Happy birthday, noel!


Happy birthday babycake!!! I hope you're going to enjoy your day despite the situation,,,,, thanks for being such an amazing friend & for being so sweet and caring!! I love you so much & I'm so happy to be your friend, I'll never thank you enough for being part of my life!!! ❤️
I am sending LOTS of warm hugs & winks you should thank Julia if I edited COLORED KOURITSU, she believed in me!!!


Happy Birthday Noel!!!
Hahah you are old now. Hopefully you’ll get a walking stick for your birthday! Some sweets and other neat presents as well! While Ciel immediately and very obviously dibsed her footage and I also did the same since I just had to edit your FE3H pair! And the softness and niceness of pair the song fitted very well with these two! You edit MariHilda for me I edit Casphardt for you and I think that is beautiful. Have a good day and remember that sometimes you have to intimidate people into confessing to solve the case!


Happy birthday Noel!! 🥳
please have an amazing day!! eat alot of cake and treat yourself you deserve it!! 🥺 Happy to edit with the dragons for you this year! Thank you for always fangirling about cute birds with me and sharing all the orcas,,, i feel blessed 🥺 love you alot!! ❤️


Happy Birthday Noel!
It hasn't been as long since I got to know you but it's been a blast talking to you, editing alongside you and backstabbing you in Deceit this past year 😉
You're honestly not just a wonderful person, but also like the most talented and creative one I know. 🥺 Thank you for always motivating me to edit out of my comfort zone and learning new things!
I hope you enjoy ansty moon babies, the song is perfect for them (I mean.. universe huh..) so I just had to use them, even tho picking stuff off your list was hard because you have such good taste ahh.
Have a great day, I love you! ❤️


Happy Birthday Babe!
Can't believe another year has passed, now you're 24 and old. ;p Anyway, you're an incredibly amazing and wonderful friend. I love that we can have very deep convos, but also be totally silly or thirst into oblivion cough ji-woon cough. I hope you're recieving lots of love and whatever you're wishing for and if there's cake please send me some. I ended up editing shance for you, i feel like it's been an eternity since then. But it's them who brought us together and they shall always have a special place in our hearts as you do in mine. Thank you for always supporting me 100%, talking to me about anything in the world and just being you. You are beautiful. BABY IT'S YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I love you ❤️


Happy Birthday Noel!!!!! ✨
You're finally catching up to me, we're gonna be senior citizens together ;) For real though, I love chilling and jamming and playing games! We're gonna be the oldest editors in fandom one day hgavdgsavd Your editing is always amazing and has always been really inspiring to me, so it's been such a pleasure to work with you on collabs and in GS!! I'm always learning new stuff and having way too much fun editing with the group. I hope you have an amazing birthday, and get all the love you deserve 💕


Happy Birthday Noel!
It's nice getting to know another dutchie in this community and it's even better when they are such talented and kind people! Guess what - that's youuuu.
I love talking to you, you make everyone feel at ease. I know we just met but you already mean a lot to me.
(I hope I did the tangled babies justice.)

Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag Noel!
I hope you get a lot of gifts and cake and love. And gifts. Love you!


Happy birthday Noel!
Hope you have an amazing day, celebrating properly! And also a big toast to the sinking of the only fandom we have ever shared (Magi) lmao. I laugh everytime we try to bond over fandoms but we just have very different tastes, and that's how I thought to edit Ayla for you. I know how much you love her and I also hope to convey my big gratitude towards you mostly and GS. Last year when I started editing again after literally disappearing, you were the first person there to greet me back. You were so kind and cute to me, seemed like no time has passed! It was like hearing 'welcome home again' ehehe. Also joining GS has been the best thing that happened to me since my comeback.
So TL;DL thank you for being the kindest and nicest moon momma (yes, I'm ready to be kicked) and you deserve all of these positive vibes right back at you. Especially on your birthday, but always would be the best! smoochsmooch


Hello dear Noel,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YA CUTIE!!!! Today is a very special day, now isn’t it? It’s our Moon Mama’s birthday, yey! (I know you never approved of this nick name but I’m using it anyway! And I know of a few other GS cuties that also agree to it hehe). I hope you are having the most lovely day thus far, you most definitely deserve to be showered with nothing but wonderful and sweet things 💖
And with plenty of love, you're not escaping us all today you hear me! I hope you’re able to spend this very special day with those who are most dear and precious to you.
It seems like it was only just yesterday when I first got a message from the lovely Noel telling me I had been accepted into the GS family! It sure unlocks a whole bunch of wonderful and precious memories. Both you and Julia were incredibly warm and sweet, oh my goodness what precious sweethearts!!!! I had the most lovely time talking in the chat even though I knew no one still! And then came along all the other wonderful GS cuties I now hold very dear and near my heart. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that Noel, not in this lifetime nor in my next one. You’ve gifted me with a family of cuties that gave me the support and encouragement I so desperately needed at that time and point in my life. Thank you, with all my heart. 💗
On top of being an incredible and dedicated leader, you’re an insanely talented sweetheart and an amazing friend to any and every single person you cross paths with! And that ya cutie, I’m absolutely sure everyone can agree on! wink With that being said, thank you for finally giving me your approval on my love for Bokuto, bless. 🥺 I am messing with you here of course haha, though I do appreciate how you took your time to understand me on that matter! You always have such a caring and mindful demeanor, while still being able to keep a very defined mindset that’s true to your own person! I admire and look up to you a lot for that 💕
Stay your amazing self always!


Happy birthday Noel! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with all the food and people you love! I hope you liked me using VIXX for my part, I love them so much as well so when I saw you liked them too I got excited to edit them for you!! You're such a wonderful leader for GS and I'm so grateful that you accepted me, I really feel so comfortable there and your welcoming nature is one of the reasons why! Thank you for encouraging me to be more confident in my editing, and thank you for just being so kind to me (and others of course!) in general. You're an amazing person that I respect and admire a lot!! Again I hope you have a great day, EVERY DAY, but especially today since it's your special one!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ❤️